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About The Conference

Welcome to the Trials and Tribulations homepage. Over recent years Coventry Universities Child Branch, third year students, have organised and presented a child health related conference. In 2002 COHORT 09/99 presented "The Voices" Conference and in 2003 COHORT 09/00 presented "The Untouched issues" conference. Now it's our turn and COHORT 09/01 proudly presents Trials and Tribulations Conference, to be held on the 9th September 2004.

This year the conference will be concentrating on children and young peoples' mental health and the trials and tribulations associated with mental health problems for children, young people, parents and health professionals. If you fit into one of these groups, or have an interest within this field, all our welcome to attend. So please navigate our website and if you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Child Health COHORT,
Coventry University.

Copyright 2004 - Qudon Foundation